Love the outdoor range, you can appreciate the beauty of the desert while shooting til' your hearts content.
Quick and easy check in, they don't take your drivers license or make you fill out paperwork. Some people might think that's risky but honestly if you're planning to harm someone in a gun range signing some papers and handing over your I.D. isn't going to stop you.
Every fifteen minutes they give a one minute warning. After that there is a gun check and everyone is allowed out to look at or change targets. They tell you when you're allowed to shoot or not because they can't let people just walk out and change targets when other people are still shooting, everyone has to go at the same time. I don't see this as a hassle, just common sense.
Very professional, friendly, and helpful staff. Prices are more than reasonable. They have an array of snack and soda machines near the check in window in case you need an extra bottle of water or pack of starbursts.
I would suggest putting your earplugs in before getting out of the car if loud noises bother you, the parking lot is right behind the range.