I joined for $1 and signed up for the black card or upgraded service. Went once. Nice gym. Had a family emergency and was out of state for months. In the mean time I ended up with a balance of $200 owed. I received an email which I will attach - with a special offer. Thought to myself GREAT I can pay $20, utilize balance forgiveness and get back to working out!!! So I stop in to set this up and the girl at the desk has no clue what I'm talking about, never seen the email before and has to call a mgr for approval. After about 30 mins she says I just need to pay $20, balance forgiven, gave me a new card and I'm on my way.
Today I went in to work out and a different counter girl scans my card and says loudly OH MA'AM it says you have a balance of $180! SERIOUSLY?! I am SO EMBARASSED! Don't offer balance forgiveness and your employees aren't aware of the email that went out nor do they know how to set it up so in the end although I should be squared away with a new account, IM NOT. Come back Monday to speak with the manager so I say and if I want to work out Saturday and Sunday? Oh you'll get stopped by one of us each time you come in because your account is flagged. To say the least I'm livid ! This is extremely unprofessional and my account should've been cleared when I paid the $20!
After I posted my review Here i got this dumb response apologizing that I have a balance and saying to contact the manager. DO YOU EVEN READ THE REVIEWS?!
Jesus hire some adults and stop sending out emails if you aren't going to honor them !