| - This was a big disappointment. We paid extra for VIP seating and were 2nd row center. I was with three kids - ages 13, 11 and 7 - and there was nothing that impressed any of us. The theater itself is tucked back in the hotel, sits only about 100 people (don't get suckered into paying more for good seats like we did), and the stage has a painted plywood floor that I could make in my spare time and overall set design was very simple and amateurish.
What magic there was consisted mainly of things you'd expect to see 30 years ago (slight of hand tricks, the "guess a number--see, it's the same number I have written here", and so on). Like some other reviewers, we could see strings and wires used for many of the tricks.
I wouldn't be disappointed if I saw this in, say, the lounge of a Holiday Inn in Des Moines, but as a "big" act in a major Strip Hotel --- well, let's just say it's a big letdown.
We saw a number of shows: Terry Fator, Ka, Legends in Concert, Recycled Percussion, Popovich Pet Comedy and Evil Dead the Musical; Xavier Mortimer was by far the most disappointing, and I would never recommend it.
I, too, think that the 4-5 star reviews are not legitimate.