Stay away from these money hungry, taking advantage of students who are eligible for grants and loans, racist fake people. The instructors are okay, but they need to run like hell and seek new jobs before they lose their license to teach. The instructors can only do what they are taught by administrators. The administration sucks!!!! The walk you through the paper process as though the students were dummies. That stupid laughing hyena counselor or whatever title she is referred too, has absolutely no skills to help the student academically. The rest of the crew that sits in that one room office is ridiculous. They discuss student personal information among themselves. They make other insinuations..., the list goes on and on with these people. If you decide to withdraw, look out. They will have every official in this school calling trying to lure you back in to this over $3000.00 ++ five week quarterly course. If they call or email me one more time, I will contact the local police department for harassment. Please be careful when enrolling into this cult!!!!! Warning!!!! they will also start calling from other bogus phone numbers.
Make Art Institute of Pittsburgh Give us our Pell Grants and stop scamming us for our Federal Student Aid https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/user/reset/23689371/1355341822/6QdCWAW16AISOKSozBoygKkCE6bqYaVcbEcsjM269x0