Strangest end to an appointment ever. It started by being seen 40mins late, but that happens. This was my second time at this office and both times the staff was impersonal and non-cordial, but that too happens. The appt was going fine until the end when I started asking questions about my diagnosis and projected restrictions. They were questions like "can I play softball" or "can I ride a stationary bike." The Dr made a pretty typical comment to the extent of "you can do what you want or take the advice of someone with 16 years of experience," to which I jokingly replied "when does that guy get here?" Dr closed up his laptop, said "you insult me," and walked out of the room. Everything seemed totally fine and then it was like he snapped from a long day. There was no argument, no raised voices, just a hyper-sensitive Dr to what was obviously a joke remark. Really left me shocked...and pissed that I had wasted all that time with an incomplete diagnosis/treatment plan. Now I need a new Dr.