Rene Fuertes of Fuertes Moving Company is the consummate professional in every sense of the word. After hours of trying to find a reliable local mover in Scottsdale yesterday (one guy actually got rude when I told him I'd decided against hiring him because a review from last month said they dropped her TV & broke it & then only offered her $65 for their negligence - he actually thought it was no big deal because they moved "thousands of other people" without dropping and breaking their things . . . Seriously???) I called Fuertes Moving Company needing movers this morning & they agreed to come first thing. Rene and his team - Sal and Treves- did a superb job of moving our stuff and showed me that my former standards for movers (show up-move stuff-don't break anything or steal anything) were waaaaay too low! They wrapped our things quickly in blankets (expensive leather furniture, heavy glass coffee table, European designer heavy wood bedroom set, and very large wood armoire) and delivered it all with zero damage. Oh and by the way . . . they're price was very competitive and they're pleasant people as well! Thanks Rene & company . . . You really care about providing top-notch service and it shows!!!!