Blazing Christmas lights in February?! Yes, this is one of the many reasons I love Couch House.
Last night my two girlfriends and I got out of the movies at Fashion Square and wanted to go grab a drink. Many places came to mind but we soon decided on the Couch House. It is in Old Town but not like the rest of the bars around here. A large dirt parking lot right next to the bar makes it very easy to stop by at for a quick drink.
We settled up to the bar to enjoy $6.50 pitchers of beer which at most places around here can be the price of one beer. As always Couch House has a very eclectic crowd ranging from hard core regulars, bikers, frat guys, and random girls like us. Last night we chatted with many people from the 60 year old man who told my friend that she looked like the "best stripper on Van Bur en," or the Irish cougar who tried to set up my other friend with a man twice her age, and then of course the old ASU guys doing shots of tequila over and over again.
A dive bar with the most entertaining and welcoming crowd, cheap beer, and blazing Christmas lights are all winners in my book!