I received a gift card to this place and after finding out the Akron restaurant had closed, drug me and my girlfriend up to Cleveland to have it. $5 dollars for 'event' parking even though I wasn't sure what kind of event was going on and still don't have a clue. Walked in and saw 'please seat yourself', and we did, 10 minutes pass and no one to chime. I should probably mention this was a Saturday night, no local games, about 4 people in bar. Other guests around us were also clueless as to what is going on.
The table was sticky, the enviroment seemed to be of Applebees but more dingy. Imagine the bartender lathering the place in sulky pale beer then flipping the open sign.
The service was questionable, we had 3 servers none of which knew exactly what was going on.
The food was pure novelty; having eaten buffalo burger elsewhere (and may I say was alot better) I ordered 'how the bufallo eat them' which is a blue cheese contraption of deafening sweltering of blue cheese all over your poor rather tasteless buffalo patty.
I won't make that mistake again.
As a bar for games or whatever it probably is more tolerable as you'd probably be drunk off your face and you'd probably beckon at the sight of food. But on a Saturday night? Surrounded by kids screaming wailing and an enviroment that can be had at any local joint. Find somewhere else.