One day while cooking something delicious in my kitchen, I went to open my drawer to get a utensil. When I pulled the drawer out, the "face" just ripped off in my hand! WTF? I'm not THAT strong! When I contacted the builder they said my warranty expired (and it was most likely built incorrectly) and I needed to repair it on my own. The builder recommended at least 10 companies that they purchased their cabinets from and I went with KC. I cannot for the life of me remember his name (maybe Richard), but he got back to me RIGHT AWAY. He asked me for all the dimensions of the drawer and I didn't know them so I brought the drawer down to the office and left it there for him to measure. A MONTH LATER, after a series of unanswered emails I drove down there ready to give him a piece of my mind!
Guess what? The drawer was still sitting in the same spot I left it a month ago. The reason why I put up with his crap for a month is because every time I would email or call--someone would tell me that it would be resolved. I was busy with other appointments and a few times I actually forgot about it.
When I asked the lady who worked there--(I don't know if it was her company)--she explained to me that they use a private contractor and that he is about to retire and doesn't care about anything anymore.
WHY IS THAT OK???????? How can you still employ someone who agreed to do repairs for you and then just let him do whatever he feels like doing? I was so annoyed by this company. I had wasted PRECIOUS time because I was considering selling my house at the time and needed to have this done. I probably had one of the simpliest jobs on his list. He literally had to look at the drawer, find the match, order it, charge me for it, and have me pick it up. Lazy.