Foot massage is always a sketchy proposition in this town. As you drive down Spring mountain the claims of reflexology can blur into a haze of bad window clings that help obscure the less-than-legit types of establishments that lurk in the shadows. As a frequent business traveler who is constantly running down taxi's, planes and trains in Italian leather boots, sometimes I need a reflexive foot massage badly. Tibet is a small clean and serene place, with stained wood and deep red finishes. Not bordello red mind you, more like Tibetan monk robe red. The semi-private area's where services take place are tranquil and tidy, and can accomodate couples and walk-in's. They can even accomodate the likes of my mom, who's has no off-switch or volume control knob. It was the only time that I ever witnessed her not talking. The fact that I helped impose a 30 minute Tibetan vow of silence upon my own mother makes me love this place even more.
The massauers, are strong and to the point. The 30 minutes foot massage comes at an amazing $20_ plus a generous tip. A well-seeped way to end an evening at Swirl, also in the same complex.