Decided to come here after friends told me they were a exterior car wash that has an attendant. Well upon pulling around back to the canopy I was like well this is a different sent up. So I then looked at the vacuums and said wait this isn't one of the washes with the monthly plan is it? I pulled around to the front and parked. Walked in and ask the guy working if they are apart of the monthly and the guy said no as we are an unattendant wash, Many people think we are apart of the monthly with the signs saying auto spa and with the back looking like the pay window. But what I can do is offer u a free $5 for the mishap. I said I'll take it even though i am going to cancel the membership today. So I got my car wash code and went to the pay station. I enter my code and pulled in till the sign said to put into N. I looked over and saw the cage closed that could housed the office for a cashier. But anyway back to the wash. It did an a-ok job. Will I return. No and here's the reason:
After inspecting my car when I got back to Aria where I am staying. Let me tell you there is dirt all over my car still.