I love YT restaurants in general but after the experience I had last night at this branch, I will not go back until the manager that worked last night is fired. I specifically asked about a certain dish based on the photo in the menu. I needed to know because my gut will have major problems if I have gluten. I was assured by the waiter that it was not battered. What came out was was battered chicken fingers and not the chicken wings I ordered. I was then told that they didn't have chicken wings and walked away without asking me if I wanted anything else. We had already waited 20 or so min for the food to be delivered after ordering and the sandwich I ordered (with gluten free bread) to go with the wings was already only luke warm by that point. I ate the sandwich. The waiter returned when I was halfway done with the sandwich and then asked if I wanted anything instead. By that time i wasn't about to wait another 20 min for another entree. The waiter was very nice and simply made a mistake. I was willing to let this all go but then this happened. The waiter came by with this electronic pad for payment. When I went to select my tip, I noticed the tip amounts were dollars more than what the tip percentages should have been. I pointed it out to the waiter and he was surprised and went to get the manager. The manager came over and said "what's the problem here?" I thought the waiter would have told him about the tip percentages being wrong. I showed him my bill and told him that a 20% tip based on my bill would be x amount. And then showed him the device and the tip amount it shows for 20%. Much more. He grumbled words I didn't understand and took the device and started punching stuff in it. I asked him if it was basing the tip amounts on the original figure from before they took off the chicken wings. He looked at me and said we don't sell them here. I told him that I had specifically asked about them and was assured that you did and that nothing was battered because of the gluten intolerance. He wouldn't even look at me and he kept doing stuff with the device. Then he put the device in front of me and said type in what you want to give for a tip. I typed in $3. He said to me, "is that all?" I said that's more than 20% but he puts my new receipt down with the tip added into the original amount and no pen to sign, turned around and walked away as fast as possible. Next thing I know, I get an alert on my phone as I always do when I'm at a restaurant or store and purchase something. The amount is $4+ more than the total with the tip. Normally it goes through initially for the amount without the tip and the tip shows up during final processing. I couldn't believe his treatment of me to start with but this was too much. I brought my receipts and phone up to him at the register and asked him why he charged me over $4 more than my total with tip. He said he charged me correctly. I said that my bank charge says otherwise and try to show him. He refuses to look at it and said that he put it in correctly and nothing went through yet. I said it obviously did go through because it's already been charged to my account. He said the correct amount will show up at 4:30 am when the bulk processing happens. I asked him how the wrong amount showed up on my account if he put in the correct amount. He just said the correct amount will show up at 4:30 am. At this point, there was no point in discussing the matter with him any further. I told him it had better be correct and that this has been the worst experience. He never looked at me or apologized. Mind you, this morning the amount on my bank is still incorrect. This manager has committed fraud and is one of the worst restaurant managers ever. I tend to tip 20-30% based on service. Despite the error the waiter made he was still a good waiter in every other way. His tip was more than 25% based on the total. However, charging me an additional $4+ for what, I don't know, was fraud and that I will not tolerate on any level.