It's a shame this place has gone such downhill and the company doesn't even seem to care. Whoever is running this place shouldn't even be running a Denny's. Well Denny's has better service now than Zipps. I don't know if there was a budget cut that caused them to cut down on the wings but they aren't the same wings I have been eating at Zipps for the past 10 or so years. My last experience I was with a group and order some chips and salsa and wings. The wings showed up and I asked the waitor if I was still getting the chips and salsa he said year let me get them. Never came back until 15 minutes later, I asked once again and he blamed it on someone else then said he was going on break and some other girl would be taking care of us. She came by and I asked for my chips and salsa now we are an hour deep, of course she said no problem. Guess what no chips and salsa, he comes back and asked if I got them I said no and to not even worry about it. He brings the check and they were on my bill, now this is becoming bull waited another 15 minutes to get him to take them off and he still didn't. I just paid for them and said screw this. I have spent thousands and thousands at Zipps and whatever is going on at this location is going to put it out of business. It's a shame cause we finally got a nice sports bar on the west side.