This was one of thee worst Applebees's I have EVER been to. First, when we were seated the girl put us in a section all the way on the other side of the restaurant. There were plenty of open tables/boothes that we could've sat in. It was about 4p in the afternoon on a Sat and it wasn't busy at all. It took about 10 min for someone to approach our table to order drinks. Our waitress ended up being Natasha. She must've gotten lost in the restaurant because she didn't come back often. We ordered drinks and the 2 for 20 special. When I received my steak, it didn't look good. The outside looked "pale/light brown" and it had very few grill marks. I go to taste it, and it tastes rubbery. I ended up only eating my potatoes and broccoli out of fear of getting sick. We also ordered dessert which was surprisingly good.When Natasha seen that I didn't eat the steak, she brought the manager out. I let him kbow my ordeal and he was kind enough to remove the 2 for 20 off of the receipt. I have never had this experience at an Applebee's before and I definitely won't be returning to this location. They should find better workers that actually want to work.