| - It really hurts me to update and down grade my review, but today, was so unacceptable.
I walked into BRUS today, because my husband and I have decided that it is time for our 8 month old to sleep in her own room, (her crib). I got the "breathable" mesh bumpers at my baby shower, almost a year ago, and they haven't really worked out for two reasons.
1- My crib has a solid wood panel in the back, and 2- my daughter rams her head into her crib... like she's a little bull.. she likes to sleep in corners.
So, because she is older, and the SIDS risk isn't really a factor anymore, i wanted to look around to find some normal (padded) bumpers.
i believe the associate's name was Beth, and man, she was as mean as a snake.
She pretty much told me that I would be putting my baby in danger if I put bumpers on her crib............. She "predicts" that some states won't even sell bumpers in the future. I should contact my doctor before I buy bumpers.... Because babies can get tangled up in the bumpers.....
Not really seeing how this is possible, when bumpers get tied to the crib?
Then, the funny part of it is, that she has a bumper that she can sell me for $20.
Seriously? What happened to the dangers?