We have lived here for over 2 years and when we 1st moved here the management was amazing and so was the property. Now that we've been here for 2 years things have definitely changed. Just about any hallway you walk constantly smells of concentrated marijuana smoke. When we moved in everything was brand new, now all of the elevators are scratched up and carved with ghetto propaganda. The locks to get into our workout area has been broken for months. We have caught homeless people sleeping upstairs in the stairwells and up on the basketball courts (were a gated community....). They don't maintain operation hours, good luck on getting packages in a timely manner. The "year round heated pool" and hot tub are consistently broken. Gates are always broken. We hate living here! Make sure to ask other residents before you move in what you think of this place. We can't wait till our lease is up we are definitely going to go somewhere else! We pay too much to live here, it's ghetto apartments now. Used to be nice. How sad!