This concept store--one of only three in the States--was an interesting idea, but left me longing for my BR at home.
I liked how the store had a very upscale, contemporary vibe, but it felt a bit like a rabbit's warren with so many rooms branching off the main hallway. The idea of having different style vignettes in each room is great for people who like to buy whatever the mannequin is sporting, but I feel it makes it harder to mix and match to put your own outfits together. Also, the rooms seemed overcrowded and rather sterile.
Big demerits for a tiny petites section--or maybe it was just because everything was crammed together in a small room that it felt like there were fewer items.
The jewelry and accessories room in the center of the store scored points with me, though. The jewelry selection was one of the largest I've seen in a BR. I can see how this area could get very crowded during a sale, however, since this is also where the registers are.