This is a terrible place to see a show. I went to Lindsey Sterling's Warmer in the Winter tour here in December 2017 and while Lindsey was great, the venue was not. Bad seating, bad acoustics, terrible sound, and they route everyone in the venue down a single escalator (you're not permitted to use the multiple banks of elevators that would break up the crowd post show and make exiting more pleasant for everyone) and then funnel you into a single bank of elevators to the parking garage. After you've stood in line for an hour or more to reach the elevators, you then have to stand in line for another hour at the parking kiosks to pay for your parking and then wait in traffic to get out of the damn place. Given the number and scope of venues available to us here in Vegas, it'll pretty much be a cold day in hell before I return. Try again, Cosmopolitan. Given what you charge for tickets, I'd expect a bit more courtesy from you.