The Phoenician is in PHOENIX. Not Scottsdale.
Just wanted to get that off my chest.
A visitor from Canada once recounted a story of when she got stranded at our airport, and actually told me to my face without a hint of shame, "... and so I told the airline rep, 'You are NOT going to put me up in a hotel in Phoenix! Find me a resort in Scottsdale or let me speak to your manager!'" I had to politely smile and pretend to share her disdain for the very thought of setting foot in... horrors of all horrors... PHOENIX!?
Of course, she absolutely loved the Phoenician. Which is in Phoenix. And also loved Frank Lloyd Wright's Arizona Biltmore, which is also in Phoenix. Oh, and she also visited last year and stayed at the lovely "Kierland Resort in Scottsdale".
Which is also in Phoenix.
Another really cool resort that people seem to fall in love with is the Royal Palms.
In Phoenix.