I went to one class with my girlfriend. I had tried Bikram when I lived in Baltimore but I didn't enjoy it- it was slow-paced, boring and I always had a migraine from dehydration afterwards no matter how much water and tea I guzzled. So basically I was scared to try this but my girlfriend's six-pack talked me into it! I actually enjoyed it and was kept busy and challenged by the instructor. Because I was so challenged I didn't notice how hot I was the entire time. The next couple days I was soooooore and I like to think I am pretty fit! Needless to say I am going back this week and next week to try some of the classes they offer besides Hot Pilates. I really want to do the Bikini Butt class and Kettlebell class. I've done TRX classes before so I hope the class they offer for TRX here is just as good as what I got in Baltimore.