| - I stopped by here to support "yelp shares the love" where during certain dates, if you purchased any cereal doughnut, some of the profit went towards charity. Sadly my visit wasn't great at all. O Face Doughnuts is located downtown, so parking can be a hassle. They should work on better signage outside because there is just what I figure is supposed to be a doughnut on the window, but it looks like a frog not a doughnut to me. When I first walked inside there were no other customers. I walked over to the doughnuts and they weren't labeled at all. The doughnuts were just piled on cake platters leaving customers guessing what each one was. I felt awkward having to ask what they were, but I wanted to know what I was buying. Customers started coming in and it got busy quick. It was too clustered with people being helped and all asking what everything was. I picked out 6 doughnuts and some came from what was piled on the cake plates and the guy who helped me also went and got some off racks on the side. After he boxed up what I ordered he said the girl at the register would ring me up and he told her how many of what I had.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch ($2.25) - This was the cereal doughnut offered as part of "yelp shares the love" and was disappointing in more ways than one. The doughnut was just gross. The cereal milk center had a sour smell and taste. I made it through 2 bites and had to throw it away. Why the heck was this doughnut regular priced? If I say I am there for yelp shares the love, I would expect the doughnut to be at least $5 honestly. It's for charity after all so I'd have no issue paying a bit more considering they were already overcharging for a not so great doughnut.
Chocolate Glazed ($1.25) - I barely tasted chocolate in the icing and the doughnut was so heavy. Not even worth a quarter. This wasn't even something I ordered, though I have no idea what the guy rounded up when he got from the racks off to the side.
Mixed Berry Thyme ($2.25) - Before I get into what an awful idea for a doughnut this one is, know that it's on their "fork and knife" menu. I am fully aware that it's intended to be eaten with a fork and knife, which are definitely needed unless you want a terrible mess everywhere. After one bite the inside just oozed everywhere. Oh my that filling was way too sweet and I can't imagine why anybody would want to eat a doughnut that has more filling than doughnut. Major fail.
Orange Boston Cream w/ Grand Marnier Choc Glaze ($2.25) - The doughnuts here are just too heavy. I prefer a lighter doughnut. This one didn't even live up to it's name. The center just tasted like bland vanilla pudding and there was no taste of orange other than the candied rind on top and the chocolate glaze tasted exactly like what I had on the chocolate glazed doughnut. There was no taste of Grand Marnier either.
Lemon Poppy Seed Layer Cake w/ White Chocolate Basil Cream Cheese ($2.25) - Another heavy doughnut, but this time it was heavy and hard. It seemed stale to me and the filling was very bland.
I wish I could tell you about the 6th doughnut I ordered, but I never received it and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been good anyway given what I had already tried. It's not cool to charge me for 6 doughnuts and only give me 5. Also giving me the chocolate glazed when I asked for something else was another fail. Terrible parking, doughnuts just randomly piled and out and not marked, employees that can't get my order right as well charging me for doughnuts I didn't get just doesn't cut it for me. I also can't believe they are charging what they are for these doughnuts! I can get a dozen from Pink Box for under $10 where you only get a half dozen here and pay over $13 with tax. I can't see coming back.