I went to get my hair dye on a whim. I am asian and I went to get it blonde. It's not as blonde as I liked but James did warn me about this. I'm sure it can get blonder though! I probably should go to a place that specialize in unique hairstyles though if I wanted to do this...because like another comment he does say "Don't think too much about it".
So I had to bleach my hair and then choose a dye for it. My hair is past my shoulders a little bit probably about an inche or two so I guess that might be long hair. Bleaching and dying it cost $140. Not bad because I have thick and a lot of hair they had to use a lot of dye on me.
They were kind though, they asked me if I wanted coffee and a lot of people worked on my hair.
It's not as light as I want it to be but this IS the first time I bleached my hair and went light with it...and the first time I even tried highlights it didin't turn out well (it wasn't here that I tried to highlight it but another place) so my hair is just a mess to work with.
I gave him a 4 star because I wish it turned out lighter but he did try to warn me that it might end up being lead color.
Haircut was included and it looks nice better than my hair was the other way and I left the decision to cut my hair however he wanted as long as it was long and he cut it with layers in front. I like it nothing that wow me as my last hair stylist but it looks nice.