I drove 20 minutes for this place bc it had good reviews. This place has a nice interior, but a small selection. Right off the bat I could tell stuff was overpriced-- a vape starter kit I had bought at a vape shop in Scottsdale for $20 was $35 here. Tanks were starting at $30. The employee seemed knowledgable about ths products so I decided to buy a vape here anyways. So I picked out $110 worth of products. The vape I picked out was $70 in the shop and only $40 online-- probably would have been $50 at another shop-- But then I asked about he return policy and she said you can't return vapes unless they are unused. I thought that was weird. I asked why vapes were so much cheaper online and she said, "Well, you can't return them online." I said, "well, you can't really return them here either". Why pay an assload more for something you can't even return if you don't like it? Other shops will let you return no matter what. I'm paying way above value for a vape, I should be able to drop that bitch down the stairs, go swimming with it in the ocean, and still return it a year later and get a full refund. But then I asked to sample juices and she said hey charge to try juices. That was just the final straw for me. I've never had a shop charge me to try juices. This place sucks. I left without buying anything.