I just took my 2007 Honda Rancher ATV for a spin around the block and it reminded me about my experience with Ridenow. I purchased my ATV at an auction and when I went to change the oil I discovered the oil pan drain plug was stripped. When I went to put the bolt back in after draining it just kept spinning. I called Ridenow and they sent somebody to pick it up. After waiting about 5 business days I called to see if they had an estimate and I was told they would call me the following day. They called me the following day and told me that it could not be fixed and my only solution was a new engine for $3000.00. That was about all the ATV was worth. I told them I would not be replacing the engine and had them return my ATV. I was thinking I would just part it out and try and recover what I paid for it. In the meantime I started searching on the internet for other solutions to the problem. I was surprised to find several different options but the main one was to drill a new hole. Drilling a new hole in an aluminum pan is no easy task so I would have had to hire someone to do it with the proper tools. And then I came across someone that had a much simpler solution. This person who had the same problem purchased the same bolt needed for the oil pan plug but a half an inch longer. The theory is that there may be additional threads up a little higher that are not stripped. I went to the hardware store and spent $1.79 on a bolt a half an inch longer and I could feel it start to grab. I stopped and removed the bolt. I sprayed a little Loctite solution on the bolt and then installed it normally. The bolt went in and tightened. I filled the engine with oil and waited about 30 minutes. No leaks. I started the ATV up and drove it around the block, let it sit another 30 minutes. No leaks. So instead of spending $3000.00 for a new engine as Ridenow suggested I spent a $1.79 at Lowes and fixed the problem myself.
Moral of this story is, get a second opinion. Do your own research. These guys do not want to fix anything because it is much easier and more profitable to just replace it. Who knows, you just might save yourself $3000.00. I have told my story too many friends & family and if you do the same maybe one day they will improve their service.