This firm has earned a zero for service; however, I am forced to give them a 1.
After reading the reviews I feel that I am not alone in my thoughts that this company provides little or no service when there is an issue or problem.
I was in Argentina when there was a small strike that tossed the airlines into a mess. The first message from FlightNetwork was incorrect as the flights were not cancelled but delayed. I called though a VOIP system VIBER and faced a telephone system without a default. The call was answered and demanded 1 for English and 2 for French. I was unable to generate a tone and there was never a rollover to an agent. I was stuck. This is poor system construction.
Finally, the hotel allowed me to use their system and I spoke at length with their agent who advised me to take a taxi to the airport and work it out. Wow..thanks....
Later I spoke with another agent and his English was so poor that he was unable to answer simple questions but he did say that I was rebooked and I would get the information by email. Thanks again for zero service-
I contacted them again through their Chat feature to engage in another round of meaningless answers to direct questions. This was a worthless endeavor.
The email never arrived, the reservations were never made....and I finally found that my original flight was not cancelled but rather delayed.
From this point on I just handled the reservations myself and did not expect any assistance from FlightNetwork.
I received the usual "Review our Service" survey and explained the experience only to receive another round of silence.
Avoid this company at all times-