The store on Tropicana should be the store you close. Its filthy and with roaches in restroom. I have suffered tremendous mental anguish from an incident a week ago. In this area of town there is not an open restroom within a five mile radius from 9PM to 6AM due to the concentration of homeless. We work in this area delivering papers during those closed hours. So we visit this store on almost a daily basis because it has the only open restroom within a 20 minute drive. We do also spend money at this location 9/10 times we stop. The night manager, Sammy Abdelmalek proceeded to pound on a restroom door I was in. And he had summoned a co worker to pound on the other restroom door. Not waiting on my response from either door. I heard him ask the coworker to call for police. Then I heard him ask him ask for keys to restrooms. I was horrified. Then I heard the the key enter the door. I am not sure if he opened the door or not. I was just trying to hurry so I had to take my eyes off the door. If he did open the the door he would be considered a sex offender. His coworker was pounding on the men's door. The pounding did not stop until we opened both doors at the same time. He has seen us before several times and knows who we are. I tore into him like any redhead would do. He then proceeded to say he thought we were in the same restroom doing drugs as an excuse for this action. We are not homeless. We are contract employees that work at night. My partner is contracted to the Las Vegas Review Journal.