Wow. Fail. Really. You just blew it.
I wasn't so concerned or rallied up about the organic aspect as I had my doubts to it's legitimacy. It was the pick up and drop off delivery service that made me get out the gay spray.
Really. This potential customer, who recently lost a whole bunch of pounds and has a whooooole new wardrobe, is keeping his dry cleaning business at Society Cleaners on Camelback. Shout out...hey...arms in the air...
I called in and inquired about the delivery service. The employee took my address and times that would work for me for dropping off my dry cleaning bags. She also told me she wasn't sure about their schedule as the driver is in college and has different class times.
What? Like I give a rat's ass if the driver is in college or in Depends. Don't. Care. But I was excited for this new luxury.
Thursday comes. Three o'clock to five o'clock. Six. Six thirty. No show. Fail. I didn't bother calling back.
Nor should you.