| - Yeah, the lowly black bean, high in fiber, tasty, and, it doesn't cause as much digestive discomfort as some beans. But, I don't understand the extreme fascination people have with Chipotle. It's a burrito, and not a very good one at that. What made my burrito good was the half bottle of hot sauce I shook on it. The Chipotle idea is great, make your burrito as healthy or unhealthy as you want. I had brown rice, beans, and veggies on a whole wheat wrap. I mean it was okay, nothing I couldn't do at home. and with a drink almost 9 bucks. I can make a dozen at home for that price, rice is cheap, a pepper, some onions, a can of black beans, and who doesn't have a bottle or two of hot sauce in their fridge?
I'm not a huge fan, but I don't hate it.