| - I'm an outlier. Again. Why couldn't I have a 5-star experience here like most yelpers!?! Oh, how I wish I did...
I first showed up as a new patient and paid $130 out of pocket to wait in the waiting room for about 15-20 mins before I was called back, at which time one of the grumpiest medical assistants took my vitals and another medical assistant, who couldn't have been a day over 20, talked with me about all my problems. She was talking about her problems too and putting an emphasis on a bunch of things I had mentioned that I didn't feel were very important and missing what I did think was important. After she left, I waited some more. When Dr. Lok came in, he was very jolly and friendly. After about 10 mins of asking me some questions (again, I felt the focus was not necessarily on why I was there), he had me get on the table, inserted some needles, and told me, basically, that nothing was really wrong with me, that I was "the best patient I've seen all morning." He suggested I was just there for "tune-up." I have what could be described as debilitating physical PMS symptoms--why was no one listening to me? When I left the office, I felt like I hadn't been listened to, I had no idea what the treatment plan was, etc...
I showed back up today at 5:06 for my 5:00 first-time-follow-up appointment. I sat in the waiting room 10 mins before I was addressed by the receptionist. Before paying (which seems weird, why would I pay on the way in and not on the way out?), I asked her how long it was going to be, as I didn't feel waiting more than 15-20 mins for my appointment was satisfactory. There were two people ahead of me who still had to be seen. She copped an attitude and basically said I wasn't getting in anytime soon (meaning within 20 mins). She then asked if I wanted to leave (which I did) and if I wanted to reschedule (which I don't).
Ethically, I can't pay $75 to someone who dismisses my problems, doesn't inform me of his thoughts or of the treatment plan, doesn't run anywhere close to schedule, and who hires rude and/or immature people as employees. I, myself, am a medical provider and I find these types of examples to be abhorrent. Even if I am running late, I tell patients MYSELF, I apologize, and I find a way to work around it. I don't sick rude little girls with attitudes on them. Oh, and I tell patients my plans and I don't dismiss their problems, no matter how much of the 'worried well' they are.
Sorry, Dr. Lok, you seem like a nice man, but I think your staff could use some major improvements and I wish you would treat your patients with more respect and run on schedule instead of trying to see 40+ people daily.