| - This store keeps changing (for the worse) so much that it's officially off my list of stores I wll shop at. The final act was them removing the organic bulk section. And the variety of vegan food is maybe 75% less than what it used to be.
I will say that the organic fresh produce section is probably the largest of all the local groceries (with the exception of Whole Foods). They carry all the standard produce, but whereas they might have 50 items in the organic section, there are probably 250 in the conventional section. They also seem to be switching over to prepackaged produce (ala Trader Joes) - which is not good if you like picking up everything and examining it like I do.
They USED to carry a lot more vegan and organic national brands. No more. Everything seems to be the Sprouts brand now. Not a good thing if you don't buy certain brands (like I do). I can't tell who's making the private label so I won't buy it, In addition, the actual number of choices for each item has been reduced. I see it in the salad dressings, the frozen entrees, the frozen desserts, household cleaners etc. Where they used to carry 4 or 5 different brands, now it's just their Sprouts label and maybe the top 2 national brands.
Unlike other grocery stores, in order to get a rain check for an out-of-stock item, the item MUST be advertised in their weekly flyer. If they have a store sale on something that is NOT in the flyer, sorry - you're out of luck.