Like hundred of other Groupon customers, I bought the iLipo sessions and started coming about a month ago. When you enter the place looks like a decent nail salon, however once you go down the stairs, the BASEMENT is like a mini-factory. multiple beds separated by thin white curtains and iLipo machines linked up ready to take on gullible and naive customers. The beds are so close to each other that my elbow hits the other person on the other side of the white curtain. And there is no sound proofing here, every breath you take can be heard by the bed next to you. this place is horrible in general. you lie on paper sheets. you can hear every footstep above because the basement is barely 6 feet tall. it is HOT down there with no ventilation.
they have everyone from the receptionist to the cleaning staff putting the laser pads on you, no questions asked, and after you are done and the machine beeps to its death, NOBODY COMES TO GET YOU. nobody asks you how the session went and there is absolutely NO ONE WHO WILL MEASURE YOU, as i'm told some other places will do a before and after assessment on whatever body part you are trying to magically minimize.
lastly they have definitely over-sold their availabilities, it's like hell trying to get an appointment, i will for sure refund the groupon and move on to other healthier options.