Ok so, I'm a hard customer and I originally had this review at 4 stars but you know what....they deserve higher. I live within a mile of this location and I am there at least once a week. Over the past two years I can think of at least three great customer service experiences.
1. The deli- I walked up two minutes after closing but they had not started cleaning up. I really needed that sub...lol. Well the clerk happily took my order......and in typical fashion people saw me standing there and he ended up with a line. I felt supremely sorry, but the clerk was cherry and served the line that I started. No lie he ended up making sandwiches for an extra 30 minutes....I can only imagine how that set him back for the night.
2. The meat counter- did you know chicken breasts are always 1.99 a lb at the meat counter. I know....mind blown. The meat clerk noticed I was staring at the chicken in the self serve area. He asked if there was anything he could help me with. Me, chatty Cathy as always, said I was trying to decide if I wanted to debone the breasts myself or pay more for the boneless breasts. That's when he informed me of the everyday evic special. He was very nice and jovial and just had a great attitude.
3. Super doubles- I am a family of one. I clip coupons for only things I need and I abide by all couponing rules. Well super doubles time gets crazy...people coming in buying pallets of crap they will never use etc etc. ugh...I hate extreme couponers. My point is the cashiers (who are like 90 percent younger girls..I never noticed this till I started writing this review, but I digress) are always helpful and nice...even in the face of the extreme couponers/ laundry detergent hoarders.