Ulta is a rip off. I could not find my receipt within the 60 day return period for an expensive $200.00 T3 blow dryer that took way to long to dry my hair in spite of all the reviews.
I called the main number and chose the option for "receipt look up". The person had an unhelpful attitude and of course it was in THEIR best interest to NOT find my receipt.
How could they not find my receipt when I accurately provided every detail that she requested.
Magically, all the supervisors were in a meeting.
Hey Ulta---- Guess what ??? I found my receipt and will not be exchanging the T3 for the Super Solano that I know works great.
I will buy it elsewhere.
In summation, due to your lack of customer service you have lost an excellent customer [ with the exception that I write accurate bad reviews online] and possibly many more who read this.
Good job !!!! .... NOT !!!!