Horrible experience- okay wash. The gentleman who took my card for payment was extremely nice. Had a great work ethic. I don't know his name he was heavier weight with darker skin and hair. I had no issue until I drove up to the wash area and a younger skinny white blonde guy just stood there and stared at me, I slowly drove forward and he put his hand up for me to stop so I did.. waiting for his next direction, he then looked extremely frustrated and started rolling his eyes telling me to back up, I was sort of confused but I did what he said and I backed up. He then told me to pull forward, which I did but apparently that wasn't right either? He shook his head and was saying stuff about me to the guy next to him, I roll down my window and asked what was going on... he ignored me and continued talking to the guy saying "I don't know if she is suitable to drive through here." I said excuse me? He said you clearly don't know how to drive your own vehicle properly you can't even pull in correctly. WOW what? I don't know how to drive my own vehicle? I'm sorry but it seems someone doesn't know how to do their own job! He then told me to make sure my tire is lined up with the track, which I thought I was doing from the directions HE gave me? He never once directed me to turn a certain way- etc. He finally proceeds to say turn your tires left and come forward, which I did and he was extremely rude about it. I went through the wash and didn't even stay to use the vacuums. HORRIBLE customer service from that young blonde kid- will NOT return! Be nice to people and communicate if there is an issue with the way I pulled in? Don't get frustrated and be rude? Super offended that a young kid was telling me I may not be suitable to go through.