| - Cartel is one of the coolest coffee shops in the state. Whenever folks come from out of town, I bring them here because they always get a kick out of the place. Whether it's the wall of bicycle wheels, the iPad registers, the coffee roaster out in the open, the barber chair seat, the art work on the walls, the funny scribbles in the restroom, the garage opening in the rear--there is something to make you smile here and want to come back.
I've finished many an essay here, applied for several jobs (not at Cartel, just using their WiFi to apply to other places), organized my budget, studied for finals, and even researched apartments here. The great service and ambiance just makes me feel at home. Every now and again, you may get some rude service but they honestly weed out the poor employees pretty quickly. I recommend a hot black coffee or if you're in for something sweet, go for the Dirty Whore (which is just a horchata but it's more fun to ask the cashier for a Dirty Whore). Don't get the desserts here though--they get them from down the street at Essence and charge you more for less than Essence would have given you. Kinda lame but whatever.