9:30am 5/28/18. I just witnessed some of the most disgusting racial rant i have ever heard. Customer asked to speak with owner/mgr heavy set lady dark hair. He had concerns about the way cashier treated him. He said he was being looked at like he was stealing and was mistreated. She blew up on him saying about blacks steal all the time and he doesnt even look mexican. She went on to twll him he should be happy he doesnt look like some indigenous mexican and more white. Mind you i was in the middle of if with my coworker because hes a vendor and im the territory mgr. She then switch to spanish to bach blacks because there was a black customer. And i stood there in disbelief and appalled. She was definitely racial profiling and her rant about Hispanics and blacks should not be easily dismissed. The young man that brought it up to her was respectful and polite. wished her a nice day and mentioned about calling the news. I would really wish he would. I was literally next to them and part of it. My employee was shocked and only finished his work because hr didn't want to get in trouble. This owner/mgr crossed the line. Calling people the things she did and to finish it off salvadorians are not the trash race of latin america. In fact no race is trash race. Hope somethings happens from this cuz it was appalling.