| - You've read the rest of the reviews, nothing more to add about the show itself, just WOW! But here's a tip, it might be worth buying cheaper tickets, and here's why: We intentionally went to the 9:30 Tuesday performance because we decided that was the one most likely to have a lot of seats left, it ended up about 1/3 empty. And the reason we did that is because we'd read on another forum how they were UPGRADING many people, like from rear orchestra to front orchestra, or rear balcony to loge, or even better. So we showed up to pick up our rear orchestra tickets and the guy said would we be interested in a free upgrade, if so he'd check in the back room. Sure, we said (in the same puzzled way you'd probably not turn down a free first class airline seat upgrade even if it did mean giving up your favorite 45E seat in economy). So a couple of minutes later he reappeared, and coincidentally so did a $20 bill in my clenched fist just in case. Here, two seats front row center in the VIP section. Ummm, OK, yeah, that'll do. Up front was awesome, incredible, fantastic (very, very minor neck cramp from having to look up a bit, but really not a problem and oh so worth it). So, if something similar doesn't happen to you, it might be worth asking anyway.