Learn how to answer your phone.
Every time I call looking to talk to parts or service, I end up on hold for 5-10 minutes. This usually ends up with the receptionist saying "so and so must be busy, can I take a message?" No. You can't. You can walk the twenty feet to get back there and tell them to answer the damn phone. God forbid you DO get ahold of someone. Then you get the pleasure of dealing with a long, exaggerated SIGH on the phone if you dare ask a question about a part or a product. Oh, I'm so sorry I asked you to do YOUR JOB.
When you go in, the service is no better. The only friendly people that work there are the ones trying to sell you a bike. But as soon as you tell them you're just looking you're dismissed and become completely invisible. If you're just there to buy a pair of sunglasses or some parts you get attitude and dirty looks. Not to mention the parts and service guys are usually just standing around in the back giving the stink eye to customers who have the nerve to look in the back. Not sure what they're so busy doing all day that they can't answer the phone, but sharpening that elitist, snobby attitude and making your customers uncomfortable with your cynicism must be hard work.
Your customer service is seriously lacking. I would honestly hate to work there, because all of your employees look, sound, and act absolutely miserable. They take it out on anyone who walks in the door. I've very rarely left that place in a better mood than when I walked in.
I've had better customer service at Walmart. Think about that for a second.