I'll throw in my 2 cents on Copper Star Coffee. I stopped in yesterday for the first time with a friend of mine. I had a raspberry Ghirardeli Chocolate mocha and he had a blended toffee drink of some sort. He said it was "super yumtastic". I knew his intent was to convey to me his like of said beverage, but I reminded him it wasn't a word and then we continued to enjoy ourselves.
The interior is very industrial-cool. Brick walls exposed, ceiling exposed, all the electrical wiring in tubes running serpentine along the walls.
Fresh baked items are made on the premises and if I hadn't just eaten a huge lunch, I would have sampled a brownie. It looked super yumtastic. Dammit, I guess it is a word. Anyway, it will give me a reason to go back.
The converted gas station also has a huge garage door that, on nice days like yesterday, is opened. Even if you're sitting inside, you can enjoy a bit of the outdoors as well.