| - $17 dollars for a kobe burger with cooked onions and arugula accompanied by a side of truffle oil seasoned fries. Sounds like the perfect price and description for an item at a fine dining restaurant. Unfortunately, that was the furthest from what was delivered tonight at bar 145. I don't even know where to start with this train wreck of an experience. Perhaps the dirty table my wife and I were seated at? Maybe the server with nothing to do, wrapping silverware in the empty booth directly behind me? Maybe the layer of crust in the middle of the table staring me right in the face? Perhaps the fact my server couldn't answer a simple question as to what the flavor profile of the beer is that I was asking about? I dunno, so many choices. Certainly, I wouldn't start my review with how I felt about the over priced, over cooked, under seasoned, horribly presented, $17 dollar "Kobe" burger would I? I mean, it says Kobe, it says $17 dollars, it says fries that have truffle oil drizzled all over them! There's no way I could complain about that right? I think it might be easier if I just listed a few facts:
1. Service was surprisingly good! I don't remember his name, but the male server was attentive and kind. It was obvious he was a veteran and cared about his job. The fact he didn't know the beer selection that well will be overlooked for now.
2. The burger was absolutely FLAVORLESS in every possible sense of the word. I had to cover it in sea salt and pepper (luckily they were already at my table, seems I'm not the first patron that needed to do such) just to make it not taste like it was a frozen patty hurriedly cooked in a microwave.
3. Burger was drier than the leather of my son's baseball glove. Jack links beef jerky from the corner get-go would have been a better alternative for the protein between the buns of this epic, miserable failure.
4. The calamari-esque looking bouquet of oily, stuck together onion slop that obviously wasn't shaken while in the frier, almost caused me an early death, from the near choking experience I encountered upon my second bite.
5. The bun could have been good, but who cares about the bun, when every other part of the sandwich was failing on every other front?
6. The fries reminded me of the time back in 9th grade home economics class. We cut up potatoes and fried them in a pan with some no name vegetable oil, when we thought they were done, we discovered they were over cooked by the slight burnt taste of the skin, and the California raisin shrivel throughout. Thats exactly what i receieved tonight at bar 145. Shriveled up, over cooked, underwhelming, horribly presented, over priced failure on a plate. I think if my teacher was there, she would have had the cook start over and try again.
7. My wife's lobster mac and cheese for $15 dollars. Oh where, oh where do I even begin? Kraft foods (yes I said Kraft) boxed-style shells n' cheese for $.99 cents at the local Walmart would win the Pepsi challenge against bar 145's bowl of misleading disappointment any day of the week under any circumstance. And yes, they use little shells in theirs. Probably cheaper to get from their food vendor. Maybe it's time to switch to sysco or gfs? The Marc's discount store across the street isn't cutting it anymore.
Stop laughing. I know it's unbelievable. What i find unbelievable is that they have any repeat business from anyone with a functioning brain! Many people including the server said this place is "known for their burgers" that's like saying isis terrorists are known for their kind and warming compassion toward all races and religions. Before I close this masterpiece, I'd like to give some tips to the owner.
1.Fire your chef, if you have one.
2. Hire a restaurant consultant.
3. STOP charging fine dining prices for food done better by Burger king and Five Guys.
It's not good to mislead your customers.
I hate knowing I paid $50 dollars for something a fast food restaurant can do better than you umpteen percent.
I await the day bar 145 can be something to be proud of in Avon, Ohio. Until then, I'll continue to drive 255 miles south to Cincinnati for White Castle burgers. Because they are better than you.