I had two epiphanies while here. First is, ever since I used VR I haven't exactly shaken the feeling that I'm in VR.
When I was 19 I had a life changing experience. I was watching Eckhart Tolle and long story short I was sent into an all consuming and entirely convincing experience that I was one with everything. That I was God, and everyone around me was too. It was an altered state of consciousness. I didn't need to eat or sleep much. Everything around me was intimately beautiful and I was it. After four days of this state, I switched from my Journalism program to psychology, and pursued a new life in Montreal, feeling reinvigorated and reborn.
But part of that experience is a disillusionment. You recognize that you've been living in a simulation. It's an experience of waking up. So since I "came down" as long as I'm not in that state of consciousness I have this latent sense of fakeness in regards to everything. Makes me feel psychotic sometimes.
VR is like simulation inception for me and can be shocking. I've been doing more psychedelics and I can get into this crazy space of unreality and it's been pretty scary.
So I really untangled that. Thank y'all so much L'entrep?t.
My second epiphany was that I NEVER understood what people meant when they referred to drinking after a hangover as "hair of the dog." I simply never completed that idiom... hair of the dog that bit you! Wow. Always complete the idiom.
Food was great but the waitress was better! She was so real! Just not playing into the whole "waitress" thing. I liked it.
My friend (the painter one) also has some opinions:
" I like it. Last time I was here i sat inside it was too loud, now that I'm outside on the patio noise isn't a problem. I think I am allergic to gluten "