| - I wrote a very detailed review of my experience with Dr. Schwartz over the course of the last six months. I've edited it to get to the point. I also am from New York. Being from New York does not give anyone an excuse to be rude, abusive, and disrespectful because true New Yorkers are anything but. Blunt? Yes. Rude to strangers or worse, towards their own clientele? No. My complaints are simple- her namedropping about celebrities is unprofessional and borderline creepy, the wait times of just about two hours every single time you see her (that she always has an excuse for) are unacceptable, her inability to remember her patients is scary (she gave me one set of instructions for my inhalers on my first appointment, and then totally contradicted those exact instructions on my second because she couldn't remember anything about me or my case even after reading her notes). But it is her rude, abusive behavior towards her own staff and her patients that make this woman intolerable. There is a sea of difference between someone who is "down to business" and someone who is just an unhappy person who is downright rude to almost everyone they interact with. On three separate (two hour) occasions I listened to this woman degrade, betittle, and bark at her staff; insult patients who dared to complain about the two hour wait times, and then acted like I was an inconvenience in her day instead of the reason she has a practice.
The only positive thing I can say about her is she did diagnose my condition. I guess I'm picky because I expect my doctor to be both competent at her job AND treat people with a modicum of respect. Her bad advice regarding my Rx protocols wasn't life threatening for me, but it did intensify and prolong my asthma for an extra six weeks. On two separate occasions she failed to fax simple prescriptions to my pharmacy. The second time, after two phone calls requesting so, I made a third and left an unhappy, firm but thoroughly respectful message asking her to submit my Rx's for my next three months out of the country. She called me back to yell and I do mean yell at me, tell me I was "abusive" in my message (blatant lie), and that if I wanted my Rx's I could "drive to the office and pick them up." She said she faxed them already once herself (another blatant lie, one which made my pharmacist laugh and say "as if any doctor -ever- faxes their own prescriptions in") and then I listened she screamed at her staff "fax them over once, and then never again. You understand me?!?" This is how this women treats her own employees; imagine how she will treat you.
I am very happy to know that not every single patient has had this experience; but every single person in the waiting room during my appointments clearly was anything but happy dealing with her. And her staff looks like a group of abused shelter puppies hoping not to get hit again. I hope they all find jobs working for doctors who respect them as human beings because they are all very sweet and try their best to make up for Dr. Schwartz's incompetence, obnoxious bedside manner, and plain meanness. Hopefully she retires soon for her sake and everyone else.