I stopped by the Farmer's Market on Friday morning, as a friend was having a fundraiser at one of the booths. Her mom recently passed away, and a friend of hers who has a booth at the market decided to give a portion of the money she earned to a charity in her mom's name.
My first impression is that this place is REALLY small. There weren't that many vendors, and I really didn't see much in the way of produce.
The booth that I made my purchase at is Muffin But Love, and I really like this booth. Delicious and affordable muffins in fun flavors like Snickerdoodle, and Brown Sugar Toffee. NOM! I'd go back just for this!
There were lots of artsy vendors, which made it feel more like a flea market than a farmer's market.
It was ok, for the size, but I think I will try one close to my house for more of the "farmers market" feel.
But I will be back for more muffins. :)