Every day we get services from somewhere, the Grocery Store, the cellphone store, a doctor, our insurance agent. But how often do you feel they really appreciate your being a client of theirs, that you are welcomed to be there?
Well at Elite they are an exemplary auto repair facility that you can trust so enough about that.
What I want you to know is that people who have had their cars repaired at Elite frequently just stop back in to say hello. They bring donuts to the guys, they get some coffee and just chat about cars, and just stop to say "Hey I referred my neighbor to you." or "Hey I am sending my daughter here to get her car worked on, let me know if she needs anything?"
We have three cars, and a tractor they work on and all of them have lots of dependable miles on them. They got me 300,000 miles on my last Tahoe before the main bearings just wore out.
If you need auto repairs you need to call these guys and I recommend you do it before you have some terrible problem.