I have been going to this place for a little over a year and I cannot say enough good things about it.
Solid juice at a stupid cheap price. My whole house vapes (4 adults) and we have tried everything. I made my own juice for a year and we have purchased juice from the top companies in the world. "Gourmet" juices are a nice treat from time to time, but lately I haven't been super impressed with the quality of high end juice companies. I switched to Elephant Vapor's juice and I don't see the need to vape anything else. You can customize any flavor you want. They make juices "very similar" to my favorite gourmet juices and again.. The prices are amazing!
Today I had my first "negative" experience with them. A few days ago I received a few bottles of juice from them and it tasted off... It was the first time I ever had juice that didn't satisfy me from them. I returned to the store and without questioning me at all, they re made the juice fresh for me and gave me two new coils for my tank. Excellent customer service.
I work in customer service and I know they didn't have to do what they did. They take amazing care of their customers and I will continue to only go there from now on.
P.s. Did I mention they have an excellent hardware selection? (This place rocks)