3.5 hours, 8 dishes, 4 glasses of vino later... INCROYABLE.
Stand-out dishes:
Jamón iberico
(as my Dove chocolate wrapper instructed 'ignore the price tag', so we did. oh YES.
proscuitto has nothing on you.)
Pinchos of gamay-poached foie gras with prune plum chutney
(jaws dropped. pause. best EVER. period.)
Smoked kingfish ceviche with a friseé salad
(yes! ceviche-streak is going strong)
Eggplant with queso fresco, honey and tomatillo sauce
(surprise "wow" dish of the night)
Honourable mentions:
Torta of duck breast & anchovy
(first taste & "Oooo, so good" of the night)
Forty-eight hour beef cheek with white pureé & chimchurri
(just slather & let melt)
Braised oxtail tamal with pasilla chile sauce
(10 pts for presentation)
It pains, but easily forgettable:
Chickpea morcilla
("if this was our least favourite, I can handle it.")