| - This place is fun for the kid in all of us. If you go, skip all the souvenirs and prepackaged merchandise and get thee to the area where you can fill a bag with your choice of m&m favorites!
That is definitely the highlight for me, and I highly recommend grabbing a bag and filling it with almond m&ms, peanut m&ms, rasberry m&ms, peanut butter m&ms, and pretzel m&ms. Avoid the coconut m&ms at all costs!! Unless, of course, you like the coconut m&ms.
I admit, it may look a little silly seeing a 30 year old woman shove her way past kids into the "make your own mix" section of the store. Unfortunately for your children, I don't care and we're all equals in that particular time and place. At least I don't use elbows, right? Right???
If you're anything like me, 1.5 pounds of m&m goodness should last about 2 days for one person. If you aren't like me, then too bad for you.