WHY? Why must the Cosmic Trickster torment me so??? He must have wanted me to review this place, since he once again mucked with my life last week, forcing me to have one of their pies at a party. He's teaching me some sort of life lesson.
Little Caesars used to be pretty good for fast food pizza. They even offered a Sicilian pie! These days, LC is about where Dominos in the pecking order.
Hey, at least Dominos has admitted that they were making a pizza that tasted like heavy poster board slathered in Ragu and rubber. LC can't own up to that yet. They still want you to think that they're a hip, indy parlor that you should feel privileged to reside near since they make killer pies.
I mean, with all the other fine pizzerias in Dormont, LC is in the jungle, baaaaby. They're gonna diiiiieeeee!!!!!