Guests of mine from out of town lost the keys to their Chrysler. Their out- of-state dealer provided them with the VIN and pin so that a local Chrysler dealer could cut a duplicate key. We called Keffer and made arrangements for a key to be cut.
When we drove to the dealership - a 45 minute out of the way drive after leaving work early - and arrived to the dealership, they had no recollection of our phone call or the arrangement for the key. They also would not make us a key as it was 5:30 and they closed at 6:00 pm. They did provide us with the number of a locksmith who would make the key.
NICE. Now why did we bother to drive all the way over there to drive back and call a locksmith? We could have called a locksmith from the start and saved ourselves the hassle of the journey on Independence during rush hour!!!
We found Keffer Chrysler customer service lacking, which is a shame since the out-of-state dealer was so helpful.