Oh so innocently walking was I, when out of the corner of my eye I saw them, the little cakes of gluttony, scrumptious cupcakes lined up on a plate.
"I must have one," I thought, and went immediately inside and purchased one. A vanilla bean cupcake with vanilla butter cream icing.
I knew I would enjoy it before I even took my first bite because the icing was equal in depth to the actual cake! Plus it's butter cream, which as sweet-toothers know gets this sort of distinct crunchy coating on it and then WHOOOOSH! Pure. Creamy. Sweetness.
This was the case... and yet, mine is a tragic tale.
I bought it, starting walking and ate it on my way to catch the streetcar. It was too rushed! Three bites and it was gone! And as soon as that last sweet cakey ball of precious dessert was past the taste threshold and on its way down my esophagus I sighed, long and loud so that the others on the streetcar sort of looked at me strangely, because I knew it would be a while before I could have access to another.